Friday, March 16, 2012

WWE Spoilers: Plans for Evan Bourne After Suspension Ends

WWE Spoilers: Plans for Evan Bourne After Suspension Ends

After being suspended for the second time (which, per the WWE Wellness Policy, is a 60-day suspension) in his WWE career back on January 17, former WWE Tag Team Champion Evan Bourne will be allowed to return to the company any time on or after March 17 (tomorrow). With his suspension up tomorrow, there is speculation abound about Bourne’s future with the WWE. While many are surprised he was not released from his contract during his suspension, Drake Oz of The Bleacher Report is reporting that the WWE may even give the high-flyer a push after he returns.
According to, the plan was to have Bourne feud with Jack Swagger over the United States Title, but things may go a different direction after the WWE had Santino Marella take the title off of Swagger a couple of weeks ago. It currently appears that WWE plans to take the U.S. Title off of Santino sometime after WrestleMania 28 and, as far as Bourne goes, it is very likely that the WWE will leave Bourne off of the WrestleMania card this year as a way of teaching him a lesson. If Bourne does end up getting a spot on the card, it will be part of Theodore Long’s team on the 12-Man Winner-Takes-All Tag Match.
History has shown that WWE has been uneasy about pushing WWE stars who have twice failed drug tests in the WWE, considering that a third failed drug test results in the Superstar getting released from his WWE contract and, given Evan Bourne’s track record (suspended for smoking fake marijuana on November 1, returned at a live event on December 3 only to be suspended again on January 17), the WWE has a right to be concerned.

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