Thursday, July 12, 2012

Introducing Feminism: A Graphic Guide

I quite literally just finished reading this book.  I obviously know quite a bit about feminism (slut shaming, rape culture, wage gap, gender equality) but I wanted to learn more about it.  Specifically, I wanted to learn about the history of feminism, who were/are key players in the movement and important milestones.  I admit that when I started reading this book, I thought it was going to focus on mainstream feminism and completely ignore the contributions made by women of color.  I was pleasantly surprised to find that they included the likes of Sojourner Truth, Alice Walker and bell hooks (among others).  Heck, it mentions the origin of the term "womanist".  The book also mentions feminism in developing countries and how it clashes with western feminism (reading this, I thought of the debate surrounding the hijab.  Muslim women fighting with Western feminists - specifically, white Western feminists - over the right to cover themselves up).  It's a pretty good introduction to feminism.  The thing that bugged me, though, is the exclusion of latin@s.  Latin@s did play a huge role in feminism.  I feel that the book should have at least mentioned Gloria Anzalduas. :/

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