Wednesday, June 27, 2012

The Hunger Games

So, I've been hearing all this hoopla about the Hunger Games movie and decided to read the book series to see what it's all about.  Well, I just finished the series not too long ago and, honestly, I can see why people love these books.  It's not great literature by any means but it's a pretty good series nonetheless. I found the series entertaining (who doesn't love a post-apocalyptic setting?) and, in a way, I can relate to Katniss Everdeen.  She's an awesome character who doesn't take shit from people and I like that about her.  I was hoping she would remain childfree, though.  It just bugged the fuck out of me that Peeta pestered her for years and years until she caved and had kids.  Oh, and that's another thing: I preferred Katniss with Gale instead of Peeta.  It just made more sense to me.  But given what happened in the series, Katniss had no choice but to be with Peeta.

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